• Canvas Resources
  • Who Does What?
  • Teacher Tools & Pedagogy
  • Technology: AI, ChatGPT, & More
  • Course Design

A graphic of a white piece of paper with black lettering saying Who Does What? Chadron State College Eagle logo included

The purpose of this information is to enhance communication and use of resources for faculty but also enhance collaboration across campus. Please contact us if information needs updated or if you would like to have more categories included.

What Who Does It?
Accessibility or Accommodations

Deena Kennell, Disability Services Coordinator

Bringing a Speaker to Campus/Contracts

Tjaden Roenfeldt, Project Coordinator

Canvas Issues

If a student has questions- The course instructor is first place for them to ask. If unsolved after reaching out to instructor, please contact TLPEC.

If a faculty member has issues with Canvas, please contact TLPEC.

Enrollment and MyCSC START               308-432-6061          start@annccb.com
Extended Absences Austen Stephens, Dean of Student Affairs
FERPA Questions Melissa Mitchell, Registrar
Financial Aid Questions START               308-432-6061          start@annccb.com
Issue With CSC Athletics Dr. Kimberly Cox, Faculty Athletics Rep
IT Help  IT Helpdesk      308-432-6311          helpdesk@annccb.com
Publicity/Advertising for an Event

Tena Cook, Marketing Coordinator

Sydney Brown, Public Information Specialist

Publish Announcement in CSC Digest

Refer a Student to a Counselor Submit an Eagles360 Referral Form
Refer a Student to Tutoring Chantel Merchen, Director Office of Academic Success
Scheduling an Event/Facility Conferencing   308-432-6380          conferencing@annccb.com
Student Activities Elise Gamble, Student Activities Coordinator

Using AI & ChatGPT in College

AI Use: Sample Statements & Reference Citations

  • This PDF offers tiered statements and sample citation formatting that faculty can use in syllabi or assignment instructions. Visit CSC's Library webpage, "Guides & Tutorials," for more instructional support when citing AI. 

Blue and black city scape in the background. White lettering says ChatGPT and OpenAI. White flower circle logo for Open AI next to the words. In the right hand corner there is a white robot hand open. A  white digital brain is coming out of the hand. Inside the digital brain is what looks like a white computer chip. The center of the computer chip says AI.


Turnitin AI Resources

File requirements for submission to be processed for Turnitin AI writing detection:

  • File size must be less than 100 MB.
  • File must have at least 500 words of prose text and not exceed 15,000 words.
  • File must be written in English long form writing format.

Accepted file types: .docx, .pdf, .txt, .rtf

Instructional Technologies



Canvas Support

Canvas Instructor Guide

This guide offers an overview of the Canvas learning management system (LMS). With over 600 articles answering questions related to using the interface well, this guide offers a comprehensive overview. Content ranges from course navigation to understanding the Teacher role, Classic versus New Quizzes, Assignments, Attendance, gradebook usage, course communication, and more. 

Have a question about Canvas? Ask the Canvas Campus Community

Specific usage questions can be researched in this active community. This useful platform connects Canvas LMS users, administrators, instructional designers, and educational professionals together in order to problem solve issues within the platform and share LMS specific tools.

How do I use the Canvas course setup tutorial as an instructor? (2 min. read)

The setup tutorial helps users understand the feature areas available in a Canvas course. Displaying a brief overview, and links to user guides that relate to that feature, the tutorial is useful when creating a new course or learning about an individual feature area.

Feature areas include: Announcements, Assignments, Collaborations, Conferences, Course Import, Discussions, Files, Grades, Home Page, Modules, New Analytics, Outcomes, Pages, People, Quizzes, Rubrics, Settings, Syllabus, and Zoom LTI integration page.

Course Evaluation Checklist v3

This course evaluation helps ensure that educators are designing courses which consider both curriculum and learning design principles. Checklist categories include course structure and content, formative and summative assessment, course accessibility for differently abled learners and more. It is a good tool for ensuring curriculum and design course modalities are of high quality.